Red Color Day

“Red” symbolizes new beginning. It not only symbolizes spring or rebirth, it also symbolizes love, energy and life force. To teach about the symbolism and importance of the colour “Red” to our Montessori students Red Day was celebrated on 26th April ,2019 Friday at Excel School System-ESS Peshawar. Our students were asked to dress in red colour on that day. Our teachers also joined the celebration by wearing red coloured dress to school. The classrooms were decorated with red coloured. Students were asked to bring different red coloured things like apple, toys , strawberry, etc. The Kindergarten teachers had arranged for a Red Party and the rhymes were sung by the teachers and the students about different red things. The teachers spoke about the colour red. Finally, the students were given treat of strawberry shakes and red coloured jelly.Learning becomes fun when it is imparted the right way!
